Puzzle #54

edited August 2020 in Puzzle Hints

Hint 1:

Look beyond the numbers.

Hint 2:
Take away the borders of the numbers... what are you left with?


  • glmglm
    edited September 2020

    Never mind - solved. Turns out I just needed to persist a bit more...

    I love how the fill patterns provide a hint.

  • edited November 2020

    Still dont get it. I see some dot and line, am i on the right track?

  • You're definitely on the right track. What is made up of dots and lines?

  • Stuck on what to do with decoded message, please help

  • The decoded message tells you what to do with all the numbers.

  • I am still stuck on decoding the message. Do I have two lines to decode or one. I also can't find a reasonable grouping of lines and dots to form the letters.

  • Each number contains the info to make a letter. You should get an eight letter word.

  • edited December 2020

    We have the decoded message but every answer we try is incorrect!?

  • ok so you've got a word. Do that to each of the numbers together. You'll end up with a big number.

  • Ok help! I am completely lost... I do not get a word, do not see what the dots and lines mean and do not understand... ok so you've got a word. Do that to each of the numbers together. You'll end up with a big number. What are you talking about?????

  • What well-known code is made up of dots and lines?

  • So we've found the hidden message but every thing we try to use to follow the instruction doesn't seem to work

  • edited July 2021

    The message should tell you what to do with the numbers. Do that to each of the numbers together. You'll end up with a big number that is your answer.

  • edited August 2021

    I am coming up with a big number by multiplying each of the two numbers together except for the numbers that are by themselves. I plugged that large number in and it tells me I’m wrong.

  • You should be multiplying 8 numbers together. Some are single digit numbers, some are double digit numbers.

  • We decoded the Message but we must be doing something wrong because the answer is wrong… do we multiply the two Numbers that are together? Some of them the result is zero right?

  • edited October 2021

    You should be multiplying the 8 numbers together.

  • We are multiplying the 8 numbers together but are not getting the correct answer. Really need help.

  • What are the 8 numbers you have?

  • You might want to turn your phone if you use the phone calculator.

  • edited January 2022

    The problem is that the expanded number does not work you need to use the scientific notation version with e

  • edited November 2022

    I really need help with this puzzle. After looking and trying x times, even with the spoiler hints, I just don't see anything. According to the hints, you are supposed to multiply the 8 number and then enter the result in scientific notation. But this results in a complicated number for me, and I don't know how many digits are used for the solution.
    Does anyone have a tip or solution for me?

    Nevermind...got it!! xD Sometimes read spoilers 20 times and then it clicks xD

  • My big number comes up in standard form on the calculator. What format do I enter the answer in?

  • No commas needed.

  • edited September 2023

    Additional hint needed. How is 3.87972e11 incorrect? Thanks.

  • edited September 2023

    Write it out as a whole number

    (12 digits).

  • edited August 31

    Stuck. Morse code? Numbers? Help

    Done it. Wrong way round first of all.
    Not sure why dots/dashes was mentioned? Red herring

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