Puzzle #47

edited August 2020 in Puzzle Hints


The numbers relate to a place on the 'grid'.


  • Stuck on this one, although I didn't need the codeword to solve 48

  • You'll need the codes for this one. Imagine each image as a 9 box grid. The numbers relate to the 4 locations of the squares. Given the 4 examples, can you work out the code for the middle image?

  • Also stuck on this one. Can’t figure out the sequence of the grid.

  • Start with the top right image and the bottom left image. They both have just one number in common, and one square in the same position. Now you know where that number sits, see if you can work out the others.

  • I am still stuck... Another hint?

  • @Arthur said:
    I am still stuck... Another hint?

    Think like in the Mastermind board game ;)

  • Is it a four or five number answer?

  • edited March 2021

    Five, one for each of the black squares in the centre image.

  • I am still stuck / I understand-the grid of nine but have no idea how to find all of the numbers

  • The numbers 1-9 have been laid out in a 9 box gird, but you need to work out the order. The order is the same on every grid on this page.
    Using the other grids that are already filled in, see if you can work out which number goes where.
    As a hint:

    The top left and bottom right grids both have the numbers 1 and 7. They also have two dots in the same place on both grids. So you know that those two dots must be 1 and 7 (you don't know which is which yet). That means you also know that the other dots must be 2 and 5 (top left) and 4 and 3 (bottom right). With the codes for the other two grids, you can work out where each number should be.

  • The fourth square in the solution does not have a corresponding square in any of the four puzzles? I worked out all the numbers but one square doesn't have a number. So now what?

  • All numbers 1-9 are used. If you work out the other 8, by process of elimination you can find the last number.

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