For the life of me, I can't figure this one out. I thought keyboard at first but don't understand at all. I have been trying for hours. Help please?
Yes you're on exactly the right lines.
So if it's a keyboard, what keys would they be? Follow the arrows and you should make a word.
Ok, thank you. I have the letters surrounding the D. I would like to ask, does it start with a D and how many letters is this word? I feel like when getting the answer, it's going to be so obvious after!
Brain freeze.
Need help on this one. How do I start?
Look at the clues on the page. The 'Esc' in the top left, the squares, the line in the box next to the D... does it remind you of anything?
I’m understanding what it is, but is it just the underlined one? I’m not figuring out how it works.
For the life of me, I can't figure this one out. I thought keyboard at first but don't understand at all. I have been trying for hours. Help please?
Yes you're on exactly the right lines.
Ok, thank you. I have the letters surrounding the D. I would like to ask, does it start with a D and how many letters is this word? I feel like when getting the answer, it's going to be so obvious after!
I'm sorry. It doesn't make sense to me at all. I feel very silly!
Thank you for the help in this one. It ended up being an answer I had already input but maybe I was typing it on the wrong puzzle page!