Puzzle #40

edited November 2020 in Puzzle Hints

Hint 1:

Follow the codes, what does it say?

Hint 2:
Then follow the arrows.


  • Where do you start from?

  • The start of the grid.

  • I have circled every fourth letter am I on the right track?

  • yes. now the arrows.

  • edited November 2020

    how long is the word I am looking for? Getting confused on what method to follow the arrows!

  • edited November 2020

    @puzzled said:

    how long is the word I am looking for? Getting confused on what method to follow the arrows!

    Your circling will have given you a sentence which is an instruction. Just follow that instruction using the arrows to guide you

  • Thank you!!

  • I've followed the code 34/36 clue but when I follow the arrows it's puts me on a blank space?

  • Follow the code words first, starting at the top of the letters - ignore the arrows for now. Once you've got to the end and decoded the message, then try the arrows.

  • Maybe late to the game. I found the sentence Did what i should (normally) but what’s the form of the réponse ? One letter ? Multiple?

  • Once you used the code to get the sentence, do what it says as a starting point and then follow the arrows. You'll get a word.

  • I have circled every 4th letter starting at the top left and got jabbering. Can you explain more

  • If you circle every fourth letter, you will uncover a sentence with instructions. The first word is START.

  • I got the sentence with the instructions. I see two Fs in the grid. Which one? I've tried both and can't make any sort of words.

  • Start at the F and follow the arrows.

  • There are two Fs. Which one? Am I connecting the letters that I circled? I am so lost.

  • Use the F that wasn't part of the clue. Following the direction of the arrows, count each letter to make a word.

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