Puzzle #25

edited August 2020 in Puzzle Hints


If stumped, just take a step back.


  • I'm stuck on this one.

  • Hold the book out at arm's length. Notice the paragraphs making shapes?

  • I am stuck on this one I don't see anything is another hint possible please?

  • Get someone else to hold it away from you

  • edited January 2022

    I think I can see what I’m meant to be looking at, but no idea how to get a word out of it

    Never mind, got it!

  • I don't see this one at all after a couple of attempts. The spaces between and in paragraphs don't speak to me...

  • edited April 2022

    Hold the book out at arms length, and rotate it 90 degrees. The paragraphs form letters...

  • My eyesight is not the best not to mention that I only can see out of one eye. So I have no idea what I'm suppose to see.
    Is it suppose to be letters? I rotated the page 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees. I see nothing.

  • Yes you should see a five letter word.

  • edited December 2022

    @TachyonBook said:

    Yes you should see a five letter word.

    I see nothing. It looks like there might be an

    at the end but nothing else makes any sense.
    I've had two other people look at this page and they don't see anything either.

  • I have the answer it's

    but the site says it's wrong

  • Make sure you're on the right puzzle page:

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