Puzzle #34

edited August 2020 in Puzzle Hints

Hint 1:

If you can't solve this, just close the book.

Hint 2:
Follow the {CODE 32}.


  • Follow the link? Or the barcode? I’ve tried a lot related to both of those things

  • The link. Notice how it is in different colours? Do any of them match the colours of the rainbow?

  • I understand the clues and found the words in rainbow on back of book but still need more help thanks

  • What are the seven commonly agreed colours of the rainbow?. What happens if you match those colours to the letters on the back in that order. Can you find a seven letter word?

  • It's hard to discern what color these small letters actually are. Are the letters in order or is it an anagram? I think I've got the seven letters, but no word that makes sense.

  • edited March 2022

    Follow the colours in the order of the rainbow and you'll have a seven letter word.

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