Puzzle #50

edited August 2020 in Puzzle Hints


Check your notes; what's my star sign?


  • I used the (Code 45) star constellation from the notes section, made holes where the stars are to see if it highlighted a word, but cant see what to do?

  • you must find a 7 letters word, from j

  • Cheers @Alex had the right letters but was looking at them in wrong order

  • Have placed the star constellation every which way on each of the j's on the page and no word comes out. Does the word start with j or is j just in the word?

  • It starts with J. Use the bottom left star on the J. The second letter is U.

  • We found the shape of the libra constellation. Why are we supposed to start with J? Which j? The libra constellation has in fact 8 stars.

  • Cut out the libra constellation from the back of the book. Then arrange it over the letters on the page. There should only be one way it fits...

  • Thank you so much. I could not have done without your help.

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